A dedicated service for young people in Tuncurry with outreach services.
Since 2005
2022 Aboriginal NAIDOC Debutante Ball

One Last Dance – a tribute to Aunty Margie
Homebase Youth Services were very pleased to host The 2022 Aboriginal NAIDOC Debutante Ball in Tuncurry recently. This year’s ball was very special – honouring the late Aunty Margie who started the first ball back in 2017. Aunty Margie was the heart and soul of Homebase Youth Services for 18 years sharing her knowledge, culture, wisdom and supporting all those who had the privilege of crossing paths with her. We embrace the great work she achieved and continue her legacy. We stand united for love, unity, harmony and justice.
Youth Services
Case Management & program support for local young people, together with advocacy, training, activities and events.

W.A.R.S – Worimi Advocacy and Referral Service
Supporting local Aboriginal people aged 0-99.
Families First - Supported Playgroup and Intensive Family Worker
Homebase run Supported Community Playgroups and also have an Aboriginal Family support worker.

Community Outreach
NAIDOC & Youth Week events and activities, school holiday programs, interagency support and partnerships
DLAP - Driver Licensing Access Program
Supporting local people to navigate the Licensing pathway, from pre-learners to full license.